Hairdressing Books
is one of the most important aspects of hairdressing.
Understanding how colour works and how hair will react when cut is vital to becoming a successful hairdresser.
Today’s level of competition in the hairdressing industry makes it much harder to build a regular clientele and earn a good living.
The books shown on this website are designed to help younger hairdressers understand the fundamentals of hairdressing skills. They are deliberately written in clear terms and language that is easy to understand.
Rather than having one large textbook which attempts to deliver information covering many subjects squeezed into a limited number of pages. These books take one subject each and explain the content in detail.
Each book is described fully with excerpts on the following pages. There is also a copy of the contents page so you can see the subjects covered. Available from Amazon, they can be purchased either as a paperback or Kindle e-book depending on your preference.
Here is a link to the Amazon Authors Page.
This link will take you to the Peter Regan Hair Studio website. https://peterregan.co.uk